Welcome to Doula Joyce

Having a baby is an exciting time for pregnant women and their partners. It can also be a time of feeling apprehensive and anxious about what is to come and fear of the unknown, especially when it is your first pregnancy.

I am trained as a midwife and have assisted in over hundreds of births. I am a mother of 3 beautiful children and as such feel qualified and confident to assist you in the joys and beauty of child birth and the period directly after (the post partum period).

Doula Joyce levert kraamzorg. Wat houdt dat in? In Nederland hebben we kraamzorg voor de eerste 8 dagen na je bevalling. Kraamzorg is gericht op het bieden van zorg & ondersteuning en het geven van instructies & voorlichting. De kraamverzorgende is er om rust te creëren, om het herstel van de kraamvrouw en de opname van de baby in het gezin te bevorderen. Daarnaast assisteert de kraamverzorgende de verloskundige tijdens de bevalling.

What can Doula Joyce do for you?

✓ Holistic and natural maternity care (kraamzorg);
✓ Personal approach and contact;
✓ Available 24 hour a day around the due date and during the maternity period;
✓ Natural means and methods;
✓ Post Partum doula services;
✓ Valuable ceremonies and rituals.