The maternity period

The first period of 6 weeks after your birth is called the postpartum period. It is an intense time and known as a “transition period”. It is a period of physical changes, altering from being pregnant to your regular pre-birth self as well as the transition of your child from being a fetus into a baby. These changes will influence your emotional wellbeing (due to the changing hormone levels). These changes, along with lack of sleep, contribute to make this period so intense.

However, it is also a magical time of new beginnings and getting to learn to know each other. Feelings of happiness and being uncertain will alternate and can give new mothers an emotional rollercoaster ride. It is hugely advantageous to have a doula/maternity nurse who can guide you, pamper you and teach you throughout this unsettled period.

Maternity care

In Nederland hebben we kraamzorg voor de eerste 8 dagen na je bevalling. Kraamzorg is gericht op het bieden van zorg & ondersteuning en het geven van instructies & voorlichting. De kraamverzorgende is er om rust te creëren, om het herstel van de kraamvrouw en de opname van de baby in het gezin te bevorderen. Daarnaast assisteert de kraamverzorgende de verloskundige tijdens de bevalling.

How do you arrange maternity care?

Please contact me as soon as possible when you know you are pregnant. We can arrange an appointment to get acquainted. Once you have signed the application form you have made a reservation for maternity care. Please check your insurance company maternity policy prior to our meeting.
I will contact you for an intake around the 30th week of your pregnancy. This meeting will last around an hour. In this meeting, we will create your care file in which we describe the care you need and wishes. We will also conduct a work conditions check and discuss procedures.

Holistic and natural maternity care

When you are with your midwife, I will assist her during your birth. When you are under the care of the hospital you can contact me when you go home (24/7 availability). My experience of being a doula has encouraged me to take natural and holistic approache and I prefer to work with natural products. I adjust my methods to your family, because it’s important for me that you experience a good maternity period.

During the 8 days of maternity care, I will provide:
1) medical checkups of mother and baby,
2) assistance with (breast) feeding,
3) education, instructions of (mother and) baby care and assist the integration of your baby into your family,
4) observaties, en ik doe de signalering & rapportering naar de verloskundige;
5) Hygiene advice & care.

Post Partum Doula Services, Ceremonies and Rituals

Sitting Moon – Zuo Yue Zi

Giving birth means also a new beginning as a mom. The first 40 days is called the golden period (Zuo Yue Zi or Sitting a Moon cycle). It’s a golden period to get to know your baby, to feed and to love your baby. And also a golden period for you to rest, reset and heal. Through giving this unique start you also give time to yourself, your baby and family. This gives golden opportunities to reset and to take care of yourself.

Doula Joyce biedt kraamdoula services om deze reset en zelfzorg te ondersteunen. Denk hierbij aan voetmassages, borstvoeding stimulerende massages, ontspannende en pijnverzachtende massages, moxa reset-ondersteuning, (buik)wikkels, belly binding, perineum herstel baden&pads, ontspannende cupping massage, acupressuur, verwarmende en herstellende voeding&thee, binding-stimulerende babymassages en mooie ceremonies&rituelen zoals de welkom baby ceremonie en rituelen, de rebozo sluitingsceremonie of de reset ceremonie na een miskraam. Deze services zijn beschikbaar naast de kraamzorg en worden apart berekend.

Welcome baby ceremony

When your due date is past, it can be welcome to invite your baby with a natural approach to start the birth. A relaxing massage is combined with acupressure, a relaxing cupping massage and a feet massage. Next to the fact that you probably sleep very well, it helps release the right hormones and it invites the baby to be born in a friendly way. The ceremony takes approx. 1 hour and you also learn technics to do a daily ritual to welcome your baby.

Rebozo Closing Ceremony (40 days after birth):

A rebozo closing Ceremony is usually given 40 days after you have given birth. The rebozo is the large piece of cloth a doula uses before and during labour for different massage-techniques. With this Ceremony you close your body and your mind and free yourself of any possible negative thoughts or feelings surrounding your birth. It will help you open up to the future and embrace your new life with more energy. The Ceremony takes approx. 2 hours.

Reset ceremony after a miscarriage

After a miscarriage it can be helpful to give your body a reset boost. By giving you a moxa treatment I help you to give your recovering a kickstart. This in combination with a cleansing yoni steam bath is very beneficial. The Ceremony takes approx. 45 minutes.